Wednesday, August 4, 2010

LEVERAGE #304 "The Scheherazade Job" Post-Game PART 2

Good god, I didn't expand the comments list on the #303 & #304 long enough to see the back 200 ...

... 200 ...

... questions and comments. So let's rectify that, shall we? Diving in where we left off ...

@Jo: Not sure why I care, but is the Mercedes Nate and Sophie pull up to Parker's in supposed to belong to Nate or Sophie?

Nate -- whoops, that's #303.

@Lisa: What was the process in choosing Scheherazade as the concert piece, and did it tie in at all with the end of the ep, when Nate convinces the President that his brother was plotting against him, in essence, taking a page from Scheherazade's book to save them all? Thanks!

I believe Downey chose the music first, and then added the grace notes about Scheherazade being the first grifter as he wrote. That plus the end really is ass-kicking theme juice.

@gwangung: Hm. I should mention that just hearing Gina say "Scheherazade" was a highlight of the night.

Gina has a magnificently filthy story about what happened when she recorded a series of radio advertisements for a newspaper in England. Pray you are lucky enough to hear it before you die.

@Anonymous: 1) The envelope Nate snatched for the Italian had what looked like the word "Elegy" in the upper corner in some shots. I know our baddie labeled things with musical terms, but is there any greater significance (assuming I'm reading that right)? 2) Nate has been fairly nurturing in the past with Hardison, in both Mile High Job and the Juror No. 6 job. Why the switch to tough love? 3) Any hints you would like to tease us with in the Sophie-centric episode? We got spoilers on Hardison's and Parker's and have seen things about Eliot's and Nate's, but not a single thing about Sophie's. 4) Are we going to learn what was in that envelope?

1.) No, just a notation what file/locker it belonged in. 2.) See Post #1. 3.) Sophie's past catches up with her in ep #312 on a con in London. You hear what may -- MAY -- be her real name. 4.) Oh you kids.

@tvgcomic: I wonder if Moto's Strad was the same one that was being smuggled in "The Mile High Job."

Delightful. Consider it canon.

@Anonymous: Are we supposed to take the ease with which Sophie set up the sniper's rifle in 304 as a clue to her background? I remember her making an offhand comment about 'stars and bars' in the Three Days of the Hunter Job, and it's had me thinking that she might have been an army brat. Getting colder? Warmer?

... as warm as good English cooking. Although personally I like to think Tara taught her that, back when they were ... oh look, next question!

@Lila: How did Nate know that Sophie was going to choose Scheherazade? He hypnotized Hardison before Sophie came in with the music. Did he arrange that with her beforehand, or does he just know her well enough to know she'd pick music about a great grifter? I think Sophie's "what did you learn in prison" bit indicates that she didn't know his plan, which makes Nate's manipulation even sneakier.

She played along with the music he gave her, but only figured out completely what he was up to at that moment. So yeah, he played her a little too.

@alikatkaniac: 1.) Who really played the solo? Was it Aldis or not? (2.) Parker seems to be very conflicting on her sexual/social balance. She strips her clothes off a few times in this and previous season, has no problem faking the kiss with Hardison, but then she seems kinda innocent in her sexting question and not being aware of her affects on men. Its to the point I don't know if she's a complete novice or a master seductress. So....which is it? lol (3.) Parker didn't seem happy about what Nate did to Hardison (hypnotizing). Eliot didn't find out. Sophie didn't seem to approve either. So would Eliot have approved and did Sophie? (4.) Both women - Beth and Gina - seem to look even more attractive this year than last. Is there something going on with the makeup or something? Cause if so, I need some! Or maybe its just the Portland water. Whatever it is, you need to bottle that shit. (5.) Christian Kane's drunk act pretending he was trying to get his jacket back was hysterical. I love his 'drunk hands'! You'd think he's had experience being drunk ;)~

1.) Answered above. 2.) "sexting" was a puzzle because Parker doesn't interact with many non-Leverage humans. I'd say her change in behaviour is based on her growing aware of and intrigued by her effects on Hardison. 3.) Eliot would not approve, but he might find it secretly annoying. 4.) It's this new spa in Portland, the Elizabeth Bathory Spa. 5.) Yeah, he's seen people drunk. On TV.

@Lee: As a Broncos fan, I have to ask - is it possible to get Nnamdi Asomugha some sort of permanent role enticing enough to get the man to quit football?

I think we'd write him anything he wanted. Any time. Sir.

@BenDryl: Also, what was the original plan in 3x04 to get out? The folder from the Italian was a last-minute add-on, right, and if they hadn't had the folder and Nate hadn't shown up, how were Eliot and Parker supposed to get out of the vault? Nate just bluffed his way out of the vault with the whole CIA thing, but Eliot and Parker wouldn't have been able to do that if Nate hadn't shown up, on account of not having the folder.

Right back out the hole above them. @ChelseaNH caught it.

@Anonymous: Question: I'm noticing more frequent use of the team roles (grifter and hitter especially) used overtly, like a character class. Hacker and thief are in common usage for that but the other three roles don't feel as natural in that context. Is it just my inexperience with pulp literature, or is this a case of writers room shorthand making its way into dialogue?

Nope, that's crime talk from research slipping in. Particularly grifter.

@Anonymous: I've heard you say repeatedly that Nate is an a**hole but I was wondering, (as you see the character) was he an a**hole before or after the death of his son?

An asshole, but a manageable one. Maggie is a hell of a mitigating circumstance.

There, THAT'S everyone, except for those asking for who recorded the solo, I'm having a hell of a time nailing that down now that we've moved on in post and I'm not in LA. I'll see what I can come up with in the next week or so. In the meantime, as always, thanks for your time and attention.

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